Customizable Adaptive User Interfaces Implementation in Control and Learning Automated Systems as Way of Increasing their Reliability and Efficiency


  • Iryna Eduardivna Furtat National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Kyiv, Україна
  • Yuriy Olegovich Furtat Pukhov Institute for Modeling in Energy Engineering, NASU, Kyiv, Україна



In modern automated systems users are often facing the information overload problem because of ever increasing volumes of information requiring treatment in short time. Working in these conditions affects the system operator’s work quality and the systems’ reliability. One possible approach to solving the information overload problem is to create personalized interfaces that take into account the user’s information management particularities. System operator’s features, which determine their preferred information representation shape and pace, form the user’s cognitive portrait. Cognitive portrait is built as a result of user interaction with the software diagnostic tools that are based on the cognitive psychology methods. The effect of using personalized user interface in an automated system can be estimated by quantifying how exactly a reduction in user response time to critical events affects the reliability and efficiency of the system. To do this, the formulae in the theory of reliability of complex automated systems are used, showing the dependency between the system reliability and critical event response time.


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